Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Drinking wine may protect your skin from sun damage

drinking wine.celebrity-style-healthy.blogspot.com
Now there's a delicious new way to protect against the dreaded UV rays that cause so much damage to the skin causing irritation and even cancer. Recent studies by the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council, shows that eating grapes or drinking wine may be an excellent method for controlling sunburn.

According to the study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers observed and assessed the chemical reaction of the skin when exposed to UV compared with the same exposure level after eating the fruit. Among its findings found that grape flavonoids has substances that stop the damage to skin cells helping to fight against the evils created by excessive sunlight.

Following this discovery is expected to soon begin creating companies based on grape products such as creams and pills to help stop the signs of aging skin, as has occurred after the publication of previous studies. The benefits have been attributed to wine in the past is helping the prevention of cholesterol, heart problems, diabetes and stomach ulcers, as well as extending the length of life.

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