Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Placenta, an excellent treatment for burns

The amniotic membrane (MAH), which is adjacent to the placenta and is used for patients who have burns, those with diabetic foot to eye injuries, and much more.

The membrane consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells and basement membrane resting on a layer of connective tissue close to the chorion, and helps in:

Its use in ocular surface facilitates healing with minimal inflammation and scarring by combining mechanical protection to biological factors.

Facilitates migration of epithelial cells, promotes epithelial differentiation, reinforces adhesion of epithelial cells and prevents apoptosis. It also contains anti-inflammatory proteins, growth factors and inhibiting factors of fibrosis.

It is postulated that the oxygen permeability and epithelial hydration may explain the effectiveness of human amniotic membrane transplantation.

The MAH placentas obtained from cesarean mothers from donors seronegative for human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C and syphilis, gener

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