Kamis, 24 November 2011

100% free environments smoke are the most effective option to combat smoking

The experience of Uruguay established brand such spaces signifiicativamente down the number of people who are admitted to coronary care units.

From that Argentina began working to decrease the rate of smokers, one of the main points, one of the pillars of this initiative was the establishment of places 100% smoke-free.
At first this extent, with restrictions because in the places that would permit spaces were implemented especially for smokers, reached only to bars, restaurants and other public and social places. But then it was spread and reached the public and private offices.
The main responsibility of this initiative include also is bad for your health than smoking in domestic and individuals, such as house or car, which also should be 100 percent smoke-free, considering this the only way to avoid a problem as real as that of smoking: the development of smoking-related diseases in passive smokers, ie those who choose to keep living with this addiction or can not leave.
"The smoke of snuff is the main pollutant in the places where we spent most of the day: indoors either at home or work. So we have to work to try to reduce more and more exposure. This is the most cost-effective way to prevent both smoking and its consequences, "he explained when interviewed by Dr. Marta Angueira, Program Coordinator of Tobacco Prevention and Control (PPCT), Ministry of Health, Government of the City of Buenos Aires (GCBA).
The specialist also said: "The question of the relationship between cost and benefit more than anything we know from the experience of Uruguay, a country which for many years working to reduce smoking in the population. At the local level on the contrary, we have no figures, conclusions or information mainly because we have not yet formally, as do occur from early January when the law takes effect-places 100 percent smoke free. "
The Uruguayan experience shows, for example, from the introduction of smoke-free places which are not intended to ban smoking but smoking in open spaces where other people do not have to be affected, the level dropped a lot of people admitted coronary care units.
The figures speak for 20% less in the adult population and 50% less in the young, one of the most affected.
The importance of establishing smoke-free environments is that there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco snuff and neither is available a ventilation system that eliminates toxins from the cigarette, which remain in a room for 14 days although open windows and ventilation.
Despite numerous scientific studies and campaigns of many organizations, one third of the global population smokes and each year add 80 000 new young smokers in Argentina. (Source: ProSalud News).

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