Kamis, 24 November 2011

This is the worst diet in the Year 2011

Diet occupation that was popular some time ago because the Middleton family lived, now even been named as the worst diet throughout 2011.

The experts from the British Dietetic Association (BDA) to assess diet occupation is a confusing method, rigid and ineffective.

Diet is also considered a weight loss program for the worst celebrity followed. Diet, which was mentioned also followed by Jennifer Lopez and Gisele Bundchen is a complex four-phase diet that starts with the approach of proteins that promote weight loss each week. As quoted Telegraph , diet BDA topped the annual list of the five worst celebrity diet 2011 also recommends the consumption of very low calorie (VLC) for a week to binge drink alcohol.

"Diet is very confusing, very stiff, and very stylish French. Even Dr. occupation warn related issues such as lack of energy, constipation, and bad breath, "said a spokesman for the BDA. BDA admitted having received hundreds of questions every year on the subject of diet and the results were analyzed to establish a list of the diet of the most dependable, hard to follow, or diet plans healthy.

Well, here are some of the worst diets in the 2011 version of the BDA:
1. Diet occupation
2. Diet alcorexia
3. Blood type diet
4. Eating raw foods diet
5. Baby food diet.





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