Sabtu, 26 November 2011

The shape of the mouth of a woman can mean better sex

The shape of the mouth of a

To find out why so many chances that a woman has an orgasm, just see the shape of your lips. And is that according to a recent investigation, the small bump that forms right in the middle of the upper lip, says a lot about your sex life.

Stuart Brody, a professor of psychology at the University of West Scotland, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine a study entitled "Vaginal Orgasm Is More Prevalent Among Women with a Prominent Tubercle of the Upper Lip". The researcher referred to him as the labial tubercle, which is a central prominence of the upper edge of the area crimson mouth. According to Brody, women have more pronounced this tuber are more likely to have experienced a vaginal orgasm during their lifetime. published an article with the results of a study of 258 Scottish women, 27 years on average. The author of it, had the opportunity to question Brody about their findings, and one of the questions put to him had to do with respect to the relationship between the labial tubercle and sexual attraction. As explained by the psychologist, in his study which revealed no indication that this lump on the lips more attractive to men and therefore this implies greater opportunities for women to have sex.

According to the report of Brody, anatomical studies have indicated that for the week 17 of gestation, the human fetus may already have developed the tubercle on the upper lip. Either way, there is no other reference to the relationship between the tuber and the female sexual response, rather than the survey conducted by Brody himself.

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